
Minutes of the September 19, 2023, open meeting

Lafayette Winona Civic League          

Minutes of the September 19, 2023, open meeting

Attendance: 28

Opening ceremonies:

Board member Jessica Clark called the meeting to order at 7 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. She reported that Matt Henson left his role as president of the Lafayette Winona Civic League (LWCL) but will continue to assist the league by heading the traffic committee. She then introduced the board members: Russell Brandt, Katie Romeo, and Nancy Eyler, treasurer.

Community safety and crime report:

Officer Dylan Tomko is the new civic league Community Resource Officer. Officer Michael Torian received a promotion. Officer Tomko reported there were six larcenies in the neighborhood. He was pleased he did not have much to report. Thefts of Kias and Hyundais are still common. He suggested Hyundai and Kia owners contact a dealership, which would assist with making those cars more secure. In addition, Officer Tomko said if you contact him, he will deliver a device to you for added security. He suggested buying different screws for license plates to make theft more difficult. These can be bought at O’Reilly Auto Parts. Officer Tomko responded to a question about the police being at the corner of Tidewater Drive and Lafayette Boulevard in the early morning hours on September 18. He said police were pursuing a stolen car, and the driver got out of the car and ran through the neighborhood but was soon caught. Officer Tomko shared a few of his business cards and said he’d make more available at the next meeting.

Treasurer’s report:

Treasurer Nancy Eyler gave the treasurer’s report. She reported that the only change from  June was the addition of $10, which was received from two new members in August.

Secretary’s report:

No report was available from the June meeting.

Dog Park report:

Andy Bullington provided an update on the dog park. He noted Channel 3 meteorologist Kristy Steward voted the LWCL Dog Park number one. Andy said the dog park has a fundraiser that enables people to buy a $25 plaque and have their pets’ names engraved on them. This could be a lasting memorial to their pets. The funds are used to maintain the park.


Ms. Jamie Golden, Senior Neighborhood Development Specialist, explained her role with area civic leagues. She is the liaison between the city and neighborhoods. She works to increase communication, connects groups with appropriate city employees, and consults on neighborhood improvements and problem-solving strategies. She also provides technical assistance to support neighborhoods. Code enforcement, rental services, and evictions fall under her umbrella. She also explained the availability of funds for Community Development Block grants that may be used for community development activities. There are $2,500 grants and $500 mini grants. Examples of uses for these grants are: community gardens, block party funding, and purchasing equipment for a special project. You can reach her by contacting Norfolk Cares or calling her mobile number.

The second speaker was Sharon McQueen who presented an overview of the proposed Lambert’s Point City Park. She showed a brief PowerPoint and gave an update on what has occurred so far and where the committee plans to go from there. She asked for signatures and support and educated members on how to get involved. She asked to be able to represent the civic league at upcoming city council meetings. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to allow Sharon McQueen to represent the LWCL at city council meetings. City council member Courtney Doyle concluded the discussion by noting that there is no money in the upcoming budget for a Lambert’s Point Park.


A meeting attendee asked how the new board was chosen and when elections will take place. Nancy explained the process that was used following the LWCL bylaws. The next elections will be in June.

Nancy asked members for suggestions for programs for the 2023-24 year. The following were suggested: Laurie Fox Garden, Nature’s Nanny Wildlife Rehabilitation, and the Real Time Crime Center.

Good for the Order:

Chris Eyler won the prize for the trivia contest.

Joyce Williams won the raffle drawing gift card.

The next scheduled meeting will be October 17, 2023.

The meeting adjourned at 8 p.m.

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