
Civic League By-Laws



The bylaws of the organization hereafter known as the Lafayette-Winona Civic League (LWCL) shall:
• Establish an organization consisting of residents of Lafayette Residence Park, Winona, Gowrie Park and old Lafayette Shores;
• Define the needs and attempt to obtain consistent municipal services for said neighborhoods; and
• Maintain the neighborhoods in good order by aiming to address residential blight and maintaining quality, safe neighborhoods.

Article I

Area Defined and Represented

The residential areas and street boundaries that will define Lafayette-Winona are: the west side of Tidewater Drive from Tanners Creek Bridge; the southernmost point of Gowrie Park and northward along Tidewater Drive to Willow Wood Drive; the northernmost point of old Lafayette Shores homes; west of Tidewater Drive to the natural border provided by the Lafayette River which encompasses Lafayette Shores, Winona, Lafayette Residence Park and Gowrie Park; Lafayette Boulevard from Tidewater Drive west to the 26th Street bridge; Willow Wood Drive from Tidewater Drive west to Lakewood Drive, not to include Lakewood Park or Lakewood neighborhood properties.

Article II

The Objectives

The Lafayette-Winona Civic League will use all means available to maintain a safe and desirable community for all residents. Residents shall be defined as individuals residing in or located within the boundaries defined in Article I. “Residents” comprise property owners and other adults of legal voting age residing within the property, including renters, proprietors and representatives of religious or government establishments within the LWCL neighborhoods. The LWCL will address issues and concerns of the residents as they arise, will promote good citizenship and will foster a sense of community. The LWCL will conduct regular community meetings/gatherings open to the public as a forum.

Article III

Membership and Dues

Lafayette-Winona Civic League membership is open to all residents as defined in Article II. The term of each member is one year, with no limit on the number of terms. Payment of annual dues grants membership. After paying for membership, attending one (1) meeting, and an estimated thirty (30) days, paid members are granted one vote on all civic league matters brought before the league. Established members paying yearly dues can vote immediately. The civic league executive board will establish annual dues.

Article IV

Defining a League Business Calendar Year

The Lafayette-Winona Civic League business calendar year shall be June through May. The months of July and August will be reserved for the civic league executive board to organize and plan the upcoming calendar year. The board reserves the right to call a community league meeting during July and August, as it deems necessary.

Article V

League Executive Board Members: Their Duties and Election

The Lafayette-Winona Civic League Executive Board Members shall be registered voters in the Commonwealth of Virginia and must reside within the boundaries of the Lafayette-Winona Civic League as set forth in Article I. Each must be a league member with a minimum of one-year residence in the community. The elected executive board members of the league are president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and a member at large. Each executive board member serves a one-year term, following the league calendar business year established in Article IV. Term limits are four consecutive terms for each office unless no qualified candidates seek election, in which case current board members may continue serving. Qualified candidates must be paid members who attend at least 50% of the meetings in the previous business year. League members may decide not to elect standing executive board members. Executive board members may elect not to continue serving and must provide their decision to the executive board at least 30 days prior to league elections.

A nominating committee appointed by the executive board of not less than three and not more than five members shall be elected by the league general members at the regular meeting three months prior to the scheduled election (currently March for nominations and May for elections). The league secretary will provide guidance to the nominating committee and shall be responsible for organizing the election. The nominating committee will ensure that all members desiring to serve meet league requirements and are listed on the slate of nominees at each meeting prior to and including the election meeting. Installation of elected league officers shall be conducted at the meeting following the election (currently June).

The league shall be apolitical. Any executive board member seeking and publicly announcing intent to pursue an elected political office — city, state or national — shall resign their position immediately. Any executive board member who wishes to resign their position for any reason, including pursuing an elected political office, shall provide their decision to the executive board. The remaining board members shall appoint a replacement member who shall serve until an official league election is held.

Each executive board member will always represent the LWCL in a responsible and professional manner. Irresponsible and unprofessional behavior shall be addressed at general membership meetings. Expulsion of a board member will be determined by league members.

The executive board members will share all responsibilities of the board except as noted below:

President – Presides at all league meetings, executive board meetings and civic league functions. Represents the league or appoints an agent to represent the league at functions that require representation.

Vice President – Shall perform the duties of the president when the president is absent or incapacitated.

Secretary – Shall record and maintain minutes of all executive board and general membership meetings. Secretary will maintain the files of written correspondence from the league.

Treasurer – Shall collect and record all dues and civic league funds. Treasurer will monitor and maintain the league membership roster. Treasurer shall provide the treasury report at all league meetings and be responsible for disbursement of funds as directed by the executive board and required by league expenses. The audit of the civic league funds must be voted on by at least two-thirds of the attending civic league members and may be requested at any time by the civic league executive board.

Member At Large – Assist board members with duties or responsibilities.

Article VI

Ad Hoc Committees

An ad hoc committee must be comprised of a chairperson and committee members and must have no fewer than three members. The membership will approve the creation of all ad hoc committees through a vote of two-thirds majority of the attending membership at a meeting. The executive board shall appoint ad hoc committee chairpersons. In cases deemed necessary by the executive board, committees may be created before their confirmation by the membership with the unanimous vote of the executive board. The members attending the next civic league meeting must vote on establishment of these committees. The executive board or the membership can call for dissolution of an ad hoc committee; it must be confirmed by a two-thirds majority vote of the attending membership at a civic league meeting or by a unanimous vote of the executive board.

Article VII

Parliamentary Authority

The established “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall be generally adhered to at league meetings to establish good organization and order.

Article VIII

Bylaw Amendments

The general membership may amend bylaws to address the ever-changing needs and directions of public organizations. Proposed amendments must be presented to the executive board for discussion before a general membership meeting. The proposed amendment shall be placed on the forthcoming agenda with remarks of the executive board. At least two-thirds of the attending civic league members must vote to approve amendments.

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