
April 2024 Minutes

Lafayette Winona Civic League Meeting Minutes April 16, 2024
Attendance: 26
Acting President Jessica Clark called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Opening Ceremonies, Pledge of Allegiance, and Introduction of Board members: Russell Brandt, acting vice president, Nancy Eyler, treasurer and Katie Romeo, acting secretary.

Standard Order of Business
Crime Report: Secretary arrived late and missed the report from Officer Dylan Tomko.

Treasurer’s Report: General Funds- $5,400 with the addition of 4 new members.
Secretary’s Report: March’s minutes were read and approved at 7:10 pm.
Dog Park Report: Andy Bullington- nothing new to report.

Guest Speakers: Will Redfern, Master Gardener Topic: Spring and summer vegetable gardening- Mr Redfern was absent, so we had 2 incredible substitute Master Gardeners- Mary and Winnie. They shared the process of becoming a Master Gardener and tips for home gardening. With a trifold presentation, we learned about some myths of gardening and warnings on what to look out for when selecting products. Using a simple Red/Yellow/Green system, we could easily see examples of best practices. My personal favorite was tea and the recipe shared.
Good For The Order:
Announcements- Plant sale is April 20 at 8 am!
The next schedule meeting will be May 21, 2024. We will be accepting Nominations for Elections in June.
Trivia- Where did the Civic League meet before meeting at the church?
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.

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